"England is a nation of shopkeepers" ~napolean bonaparte
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Ted Baker in Glamour UK
Just love the fact that the sweater and shirt in this photo are BOTH items here at Brick Lane. The sweater we carry in navy blue and the silk top in red.
A few years back, after many life and career changes and upsets, I rather indulgently took 2 years off. It was during the course of my travels and soul searching that I re-discovered a hobby I had great passion for since childhood - photography.
I have since re-located to South Florida, am back working in the world of entertainment public relations, and getting the chance to flex my photography skills with on-set production stills, food photography and shooting my beautiful Niece and Nephew.
This blog is my musings of my experiences and journey, both photographic and personal as I discover what it is that I am passionate about and I cast off into the uncertain seas of life re-invented....yet again. What will happen is anyone's guess.
You dress like a Brit - now learn to talk like one
“Bangers” - The traditional English term for sausages. Originates from the fact that they explode when cooking if not pierced first.
“Bird” – slang for woman/girl
“Bloke” – general term for a man
“Dodgy” – dubious person or thing
“Fanny Magnet”- a classy or flash item, ‘bling’, that attracts women
“Gooner” – an Arsenal Fan
“Knackered” - exhausted. Sometimes shortened to ‘knacked’
“Leave it out” – “stop doing that” or “stop Saying that”
“Geezer” – fairly common term for an average bloke
“Mate” – another common term of address for either a friend or a stranger of unknown name
“Muppett” – a foolish or stupid acting person
“Naff” – cheap & nasty, unfashionable or in poor taste
“Snog” – to kiss or make out
“Trainspotter” – a socially inept young male who records useless information about trains. Also used to describe someone who hangs around a DJ to watch him spin.
“Wanker” - an old English word that is a common form of abuse. An idiot or unpleasant person.
“Wind up” – to tease, to perform a prank on someone
"Pussy cat, Pussy cat where have you been? I've been to London to look at the Queen."
Tidbits From the Queen
“ in the past half century, London has been transformed. Previously a city known mainly for its high quality tailoring and superbly made but conventional couture, now it is recognized as a fashion city renowned for its creative and freethinking approach to fashion.”
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