Thursday, March 13, 2008

Be Green and in Fashion

It's in fashion to be green.....

Did you know that worldwide it is estimated that 500 billion plastic bags are used and discarded!!!

Single use plastic bags made of HDPE remain in the environment for up to approx 1000 years. Over 100,000 birds, whales, seals and turtles are killed by plastic rubbish every year.

Scary thoughts huh? So why not carry a packable tote around with you so you can say NO to plastic bags for small items as you run about your day?

Billy Bag is another company making these fun and fashionable lightweight packable Eco-totes to throw in your purse, gym bag, car, bike basket - you name it! Small pouches that un-zip to these fresh and fun cotton print re-usable totes!

These fun, fashionable and environment friendly bags are available at our shop Brick Lane in Venice, CA and will soon be available to buy in our on-line boutique.

Get yours today and feel good about a purchase that will help minimize your impact on the environment (and it doesn't hurt that you'll look fashionable as well!)

Cheers Luvs

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